Friday, October 22, 2010

Short, Sweet, and to the point

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."- Psalm 118:24
I know that sometimes we forget this... but try not to!  Rejoice that you are alive, because God has put you here for a reason!  Share the Gospel, spread some love, accept the gift of God because you do not want to miss this!
Photo Credit: Lynn Overmyer

Pursue the Truth

Over the weekend I was given the wonderful oppourutnity to travel to Lake Ann Camp with college students from all over Michigan from the His Houses on our campuses.  I met some amazing new people, and got to spend quality time with my friends!  The Lord was testing us all in different ways over the weekend.  He was giving us challenges left and right, but He knew that we could overcome them.  I cannot even describe to you how much I learned about my God that I never really understood until this weekend.  There were many points that stuck out to me, and overall it was an amzing experience.  I just have to share some right now! (Don't worry I took lots of notes, and many blogs from here on out will come from my notes!)
At one of the sessions I attended was called A Reasonable Faith.  This session really tested me, and has continued to make me strive for a better relationship with the Lord.  He asked us questions and to us how to pursue the Truth.  Want me to let you in on a secret?  I know you do.. here is goes!

How to Pursue the Truth!
Step 1:  Use your brain!
-"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."- 1 Corinthians 4:20
-  Get to know God.. read, read, read, study...  The Bible is Gods word, and our authority

Step 2: Do not fear!
-  Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?"- 1 Peter 3:13
-  When we trust God we are free from fear.. isn't that nice to know? It is for me!
-  When we suffer for what is right, we get a tiny glimpse of the suffering that Christ did for us. <-- Think about that..
-  You are worried about what people will say, you know what, don't, because you do not have to defend yourself.  And if/when people question you give them reasons with gladness and joy. 

Step 3:  Be Prepared!
- Give a reason and proving are two different tings.  We cannot prove Gods exsistance, but we can give a reasonable answer. 
-  When we are giving reasons of Gods exsitance, it is nice to remember that God is working in it also. 
-  Spend time with God and allow Him to give you the words to say if you ever have to give reasons. 
-  Some of the best evidence of the Gospel is how we live our lives, so learn why things are the way they are so that you can live your life to the fullest and ultimately pursue the Truth. 

Why do you trust Jesus?  Why might people not?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Look, here is water..."

What an amazing day.. a day that I will never forget.  A day that I cannot wait to tell my husband, and kids, and even complete strangers about.  This day was the day I got baptized at Diamond Lake. 
"As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water.  Why shouldn't I be baptized?"  And he gave orders to stop the chariot.  Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. Acts 8:36  This passage was read at my baptism by my youth pastor.  He said that when I had asked him to baptize me that day, like as soon as possible, it instantly reminded him of this passage in Acts.  Because no matter what is going on in a day.  If the Lord is telling you to do something, do it! Run the good race, run fast towards the goal of God.  You have nothing to loose, only blessings to gain.  For a near three seconds of my life while I was being dipped in the water I had no thought in my brain.  Not one.  Seriously, it was amazing to just not think for a second.  And I'm not sure if maybe it was from the shock of the water being so cold, but I believe that in that near three seconds or so the Holy Spirit makes it home inside of your soul.  And from there on out, you are resurrected from sin and were made new and washed clean from the inside.  Isn't the Lord so powerful and great?! I believe so!

Find God, accept God, find water, get baptized!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Trip to D-Town

As part of the Homeless Outreach and Ministry Equipped (H.O.M.E.) we travel to Detroit every month and spread the love of God to the homeless.  We pass out lunches filled with love along with bottles of water and the daily necessities for the homeless.  What I took part of was an amazing way to talk to people who do not always have someone there and to reassure people on the streets that God loves them and there is hope in every situation. 
Our group teamed up with CMU's His House and we all traveled to Detroit on Saturday.  I was a little apprehensive once we got to downtown Detroit.  I am not going to lie, I was shaking a little bit with fear.  But then I had to stop and remember that fear is a sin.  Why fear when God has everything under control, so I gave Him my fears and allowed Him to guide my feet.
It was very surprising to me just how nice and receptive these people on the streets were.  Once we asked them if there was anything we could pray for them about, they basically knew we were there to spread God's joy and love.  We did not have a single person who did not want us to pray for them.  I met some guys who spoke Spanish so I really enjoyed that time I got to spend with them talking in Spanish.
Being on a trip like that takes a lot of faith.  I believe that God put every person that we met in our path for a reason though and hopefully we will see the people when we go back even more encouraged and excited about God.  Being on that trip would obviously make you very fortunate for what you have.  It definitely humbled my views and brought me back down to Earth.   But going on that trip did not just take a lot of faith from me and show me just how good I have it, but it showed me even more so not to settle with my relationship with God.  That night as I was driving home the Lord told me to get baptized and that is just what I did the next day....

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Love Whole Heartily

As my day is winding down and turning into night many thoughts linger in my mind and I have came to realize something very valuable over my span of just being alive today.  And that is that no matter how much money you have in your bank account or how many friends you have on your facebook.  Money cannot buy you happiness and when it comes to friends it is not the quantity that matters but the quality of the friendship.  If only we could treat the people we love whole-heartily.
If only we could respect everyone and look out for their well being.  If only we could treat everyone with the kind of love that God has shown us.  Do not let the days pass by without giving someone your respect and your time by simply telling them that you love them.
Because in the end love conquers all.

Choose love.

"Inspired by Faith"

It's official I've started my own blog!
This blog was definitely "inspired by faith"... hence the name.  I just have so much on my heart and it would be a shame not to share it with the world.  The biggest goal here is to share with you what the Lord has and is doing in my life.  And if I ever stop doing this blog I hope to have inspired many people along the way. 

God is Love.