Friday, September 16, 2011

Cleanin' it Up

I had not actually noticed how dirty my Jeep was until I started cleaning it out.  The dashboard had a reasonable amount of dust on it and there was old coffee stains splattered around.  It was all leftovers of what I had not finished or even bothered to take care of when I knew that the coffee had split and when I knew that there was dust building up on the dash.  As I was scrubbing and dusting and vacuuming my Jeep I stopped for a second and realized that if I would had just took care of the mess right when it happened, right when I recognized it then it probably would not had taken me so long to do or so hard to get rid of.  This reminded me a lot like my spiritual life.  When I recognize that there is a certain sin my life I should be more than ready to confess it before God and ask Him to change that area in my life because I have all of the supplies I would ever need. I have the Lord's guidance and His Word, I have friends and family who can help guide me in the way and I have the Spirit living inside of me! But yet I wait until that sin is so bad that I cannot even bare it but my last resort is to give it up to God; because I know He alone is "the founder and perfecter of our faith" Hebrews 12:2.

I don't always notice that my life is dirty..until I clean it out and see how clean it can be.

In Romans 12:12 it says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
Everyday we should be willing and desiring to clean out our lives so we can better serve God in our thoughts and our actions.  I would encourage anyone to take some time and spend it with the Lord, asking Him to renew your mind, asking Him to clean the dust and dirty stains on you because we know that "
The LORD is righteous in all His ways, gracious in all His works."  Psalm 145:13 And He is the only One able to set your life right, He is the only One who will finish the work He starts.  And the amazing thing is He desires to help us and lead us in the way of righteousness.  He covets over us! What a neat picture?
The Lord our God, the One who made us and sent His Son to die for us, wants to take part in renewing us each and every day.  

Let the Lord renew you today!